Committee Chairs

Committee Co-Chair
John Boylan
Bridget Partners
202 243-8072
Committee Co-Chair
Marc Matthie


The Workforce Committee was recognized as the Committee of the Year in 2024. By pulling the membership and the community together, the committee works to educate and advocate for the regional workforce - for today and tomorrow. The committee works with schools to shape intern and mentorship programs, shares current K-12, community college & university events, and hosts state of the art programs for members on payroll, healthcare and HR.  In 2025 the committee will begin new programs on entrepreneurship, quantum interns and Partnership Roundtables for healthcare, cyber, tech & trades.  Join us!

Committee Vision:

Bringing chamber partners together to create an agile and responsive environment to address the dynamic workforce needs of the Dulles regional area.

Meeting Schedule:

First Wednesday of each month 

Meeting Location:
Zoom (Register for link)