Start simplifying how you manage your estate today!

EstateSpace helps families and family offices manage their estates, physical assets, staff and supporting service providers.

If you’re like most #estatemanagers, the drive to achieve consistent results is what gets you out of bed in the morning. You also know that you don’t do this alone, but in #collaboration with others. EstateSpace not only makes your #process more efficient; we also help you build a more cohesive, satisfied team with automating #estate #workflows that provides everyone with the #information they nee

The EstateSpace #platform gives you & your #family & service providers the ability to have the same control around #physicalassets as you do for your #financialassets. When you understand the #value of, and your ability to leverage, the #physicalassets, you will be able to start building real security, not only for your children, but for their families as well. #physicalassetmanagement #estat

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Information may be the most valuable commodity of our time, but only if it is accurate & actionable. When you have real-time #information managers, principals & trusted vendors can interface around everything from major home renovations to regular #maintenance and #workflows. #estatemanagement #estatemanager #familyoffice #operations #productivity #fintech #success

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EstateSpace helps families and family offices manage their estates, physical assets, staff and supporting service providers.