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In celebration of the Marine Corps Birthday and Veterans Day, G&C is hosting Men's Night on November 13th from 6 pm to 8 pm.

EstateSpace helps families and family offices manage their estates, physical assets, staff and supporting service providers.

Have you ever felt like you spend so much of your day dealing with minutiae that you have precious little time for the “real” work? {{linkedin_mention(urn:li:organization:28462382|EstateSpace)}}'s #workflow solutions help you create simple, repeatable processes that streamline critical, time-consuming #tasks so you can increase efficiency. #workflowmanagement #projectmanagement #estatemanagemen

Implement best practice workflows and execute day-to-day operations of estates.

Enjoy complimentary food, drinks, and beautiful views with our team as well as our friends from 9to5 Seating, OFS, MergeWorks, & More!

If someone asked you about the #skills you need to employ in your role as #estatemanager, being organized would undoubtedly top the list. {{linkedin_mention(urn:li:organization:28462382|EstateSpace)}} is an elegant, simple, and highly effective way to leverage your skills by allowing you to focus on the daily #tasks while remaining in alignment with the overall vision. #estatemanagement #proper

Join us this Saturday, October 9th, for two fundraiser events to support Kinsley's cancer battle!