Daily Leadership Quote

Oct 05, 2020  -  Game On Coaching Corp.  -  Uncategorized
Today's #leadership quote
Too often we... enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
John F. Kennedy
I find this quote both interesting and important in the message that it delivers. Very often most of us will judge a situation or event based upon the lens in which we view it. For instance we may get annoyed by someone cutting in front of us in a line or when a car cuts us off on the highway. While both can be frustrating we don't have enough detail to decipher the motive of the offending party. Perhaps they had an underlying issue that forced them to be inconsiderate or at least led them to be preoccupied. It is almost always a mistake to judge others through our lens because we don't have the back story. It is far better to assume that the underlying motive was a good one and give them the benefit of the doubt. How often do we accept the words of a friend or someone we trust and formulate our decisions about a person or event without really knowing the facts. It is relatively easy to do so yet if we think back on it our uniformed judgements are often wrong. When we take the opportunity to dig deeper and discover the facts we often learn that our original opinion was misguided. Think for yourself and give others a break You may discover a new friend and simultaneously reduce your level of stress.