Join Museum staff and members of the Northern Virginia Astronomy Club for a view of the night sky. Experienced people will help you to observe a variety of things, including planets, stars, and the Moon.

Please leave your personal telescopes at home; all equipment will be provided for this event.


  • Stargazing is free and open to the public. 
  • The event is weather permitting and may be cancelled due to rain, clouds, and other poor visibility. For last-minute updates, call the Astronomy Education number at 202-633-2517.
  • We recommend bringing layers of clothing and a small flashlight covered with red cellophane or brown paper.
  • Parking is free after 4:00 pm. Please park at the south end of the main parking lot, and consider dimming your headlights as you approach.
  • Stargazing is located in the bus lot at the south end of the Museum's parking lot. Look for red lanterns to help guide you to the telescopes.

Sponsored by the Thomas W. Haas Foundation, Otto Haas Charitable Trust, The Waterman Trust, and the Wyncote Foundation.

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Full Support for iOS ONLY: ICS and Google Calendar.


September 23, 2023 @ 7:30 pm
September 23, 2023 @ 9:30 pm


[email protected]


14390 Air and Space Museum Pkwy, Chantilly, VA 20151
